Customer Story - Imagn Billing

August 08, 2023 5 mins read

Orthopedic Surgery Preparation Tooth Extraction Successfully Billed to Medical Insurance

A patient had tooth decay and fractured teeth removed by their dentist for orthopedic surgery. Their dentist billed medical insurance for $9,118 and received $8,588 within two weeks of an appeal.

Orthopedic Surgery Preparation Tooth Extraction Successfully Billed to Medical Insurance

In this Article

  • Amount Billed : $9,118
  • Amount Paid : $8588.00
  • Insurance Carrier : Highmark 

Orthopedic Surgery Preparation Tooth Extraction

This patient was seen for tooth decay due to dental caries and fractured teeth that were deemed nonrestorable. Their dentist removed several teeth in order to prepare the patient for orthopedic surgery.

 Their dentist billed medical insurance for the patient’s treatment in the amount of $9,118 and was paid $8,588 within two weeks of an appeal showing medical necessity being submitted. 

Contact us at (855)-534-1433 or take our assessment to see how we can help you get more success in billing medical insurance for Dental procedures! 

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