Customer Story - Imagn Billing

June 20, 2023 5 mins read

Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment  Billed to Insurance and Applied to Deductible

Patient's treatment for headaches and jaw pain was billed to medical insurance, allowing them to save dental benefits for uncovered treatments.

Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment Billed to Insurance

In this Article

  • Amount Billed : $3,500
  • Amount Paid : $3,500 toward the patient’s deductible
  • Insurance Carrier : Aetna

Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment

This patient was seen for headaches and jaw pain. Their exam and treatment was billed to medical insurance and the total allowed amount was applied toward their deductible. 

Allowing treatments to be billed toward medical insurance allows the patient to save their dental benefits for uncovered treatments! 

Contact us at (855)-534-1433 or take our assessment to see how we can help you get more success in billing medical insurance for Dental procedures! 

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